"The question of
whether the internet is a good or bad thing is completely immaterial, because
it's here whether we like it or not. It's going to stay, and the physical record
is going to be less important than it has been in the past.
Downloadable material is going to increase. In fact, I perceive that within the
next five to ten years we will be able to dial into our homes any particular
master you want for a sign-up fee. If you want to listen to the newest sounds
around, you'll just press a button or dial in a code and you'll get the file
downloaded - without actually having a piece of plastic in your hand.
That will unquestionably come." SIR GEORGE MARTIN (Beatles'
producer) from an interview at Air Lyndhurst.
Ok. Welcome to
This internet project was started in 2000 to present and promote music of
russian band Romislokus on the World Wide Web. Basic ideas of the project were
generated by musicians of Romislokus: Yuri Smolnikov, Evgeniy Gorelov, Mikhail
Voronov (Mike Solo) cooperating with two software programmers and computer
specialists: Andrey Gurianov and Maksim Karavaev. Musicians of Romislokus all way through
contribute to the site a lot of their music. Now you can download free
of charge most full in Internet and legal MP3 collection which
presents music of only one band - Romislokus.
Short description:

ROMISLOKUS (since 1998)
style: post rock, new alternative, progressive rock
members: Yuri Smolnikov (guitar/vocal), Evgeniy Gorelov (keyboards), Mike Solo
(lead guitar), Misha Brovarnik (bass), Irina Yunakovskaya (cello), Jim Moto
Host city: Moscow, RUSSIA
The band released three albums: Between Two Mirrors (2001), Vinyl Spring, Digital Autumn (2002), All Day Home (2002).
Read reviews.
Covers recorded and produced by
"To Be Alone With You" of
american band Jelly Bean Bandits, "Cool" of russian band "Cholodniy
Grok", "Wild Life" of Paul McCartney, "Imagine" of John
Check list of radiostations broadcasting
music of Romislokus worldwide. Read interviews with the band members. Watch
some video
And, of course, DOWNLOAD