Radio station WSVNCountry: USA City: Thornton, IL 
WSVNRadio is promoting 'tomorrow's future stars,' where musicians from all over can send their music to be played on the WSVNRadio station. This began in 2001, where just a handful of artists dedicated their time to send their music to be played on the station. WSVNRadio was founded by a gentleman by the name of Eric, who has always enjoyed music as early as 5 years old. His musical skills began at this age, by his playing the keyboards, and after high school, he joined rock and roll bands. His interest in radio surfaced in junior high school. Both music and radio broadcasting have been in his blood ever since. WSVNRadio: 'Everything in Music!'. 
June 2002 - Romislokus' song 'Just Dream' is included to CD WSVNRadio 'Hall of Fame, Volume 6.' You can reach it at Telephone: 60476-0132 Requerest a romisloku's song. Listen radio on-line.
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