Radio station WQFS 90.9 fmCountry: USA City: Greensboro, NC 
'Students interested in broadcasting maintain and operate radio station WQFS-FM (90.9), licensed to Guilford College by the Federal Communications Commission. Frequently recognized as one of the country’s best student-run college radio stations, the programming of WQFS-FM includes music, news, lectures, and a variety of offerings providing an educational service to the people of Guilford College and the surrounding area.' -Guilford College Catalog, the WQFS history. Recently, WQFS celebrated 25 years of radio excellence which was made possible by a completely student-run management and DJs which span not only Guilford College but also the community it serves. WQFS is one of the only college radio stations which allows and welcomes the help of non-student, community DJs. And along with all this...WQFS consistently ranks as one of the top ten college stations by the Princeton Review! Telephone: 336 316 2444 Listen radio on-line.
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